4 Windshield Replacement Tips For Drivers


No one ever wants their car to get damaged, and auto glass damage can be particularly upsetting. Small cracks and chips can be fixed, but more extensive damage necessitates auto glass replacement. Windshield replacement doesn't have to be stressful. An auto glass expert can replace your windshield quickly and professionally, so you can get back on the road. Here are four tips that will allow your upcoming windshield replacement service to go as smoothly and successfully as possible:

24 August 2020

Did Someone Break Into Your Car Window While You Were Sleeping? 4 Tips To Restore Everything To Order


The discovery that someone broke into your car while enjoying a good night's sleep is unsettling. Not only do you need to worry about what might have been stolen, but you are also faced with a potentially dangerous mess of broken glass. While you wait to file a police report, you need to take these steps to address the situation. 1. Take Pictures of the Damage Your first step is to document the damage that the vandal created.

26 November 2019

4 Auto Glass Safety Tips To Make Your Car Safer And More Enjoyable To Drive


Driving is less enjoyable if you do not have the right glass or there is damage. This may be due to glare from the winter sun or a small crack that is distracting when you drive. These problems are not only annoying, but they can also affect the safety of your car. The following tips will help make your car safer and more enjoyable to drive: 1. Legal Ways to Reduce Glare with Windshield Tinting

2 April 2019

The 411 On Window Pitting


If a large rock or piece of debris hits your windshield, the glass will most likely crack and possibly shatter. While this is a definite sign your windshield needs to be replaced, minor, less noticeable issues should also be a cause for concern. Pitting is a common problem that most people do not realize can be a serious issue for their vehicle's glass. This guide will explain the causes, dangers, and options for repair pitting in the windshield.

4 January 2019

Do-It-Yourself Windshield Chip Repair Mistakes


These days, it seems you can do just about anything on your own, including repairing your windshield. Between do-it-yourself kits you can purchase at auto stores and online tutorials, there are plenty of options out there. However, just because these aides are available, it doesn't necessarily mean you should be taking advantage of them. Without the oversight of a professional, there are several damaging mistakes you can make.   Underestimating Damages

15 February 2017

Why It's Vital To Repair Your Windshield


Does your car's windshield have a chip, pit, or crack in it? Are you worried that having your windshield replaced might drive up your insurance premium? Making a claim on your auto insurance will almost always raise the rate, depending on what kind of policy you have. Fortunately for you, you may be able to avoid this possibility if you repair your windshield instead of replacing it entirely. Here are some of the best reasons to consider this:

6 October 2016

What Are Your Options If Your Car Windshield Is Shattered During Inclement Weather?


If you've ever been in a situation where your vehicle's window or windshield suddenly shattered, you likely have some experience when it comes to submitting an auto glass claim and taking your vehicle in for auto glass service, such as at X-Treme Auto Glass. Unfortunately, the same hail storms and high winds that can put you at even greater risk of suffering auto glass damage can also make it more difficult to have a windshield replaced or repaired -- and if your prior accident took place on a dry or sunny day, you may be at a loss as to how to keep your vehicle's interior dry and secure while you arrange for a new windshield.

11 July 2016

Why You Should Reconsider Attempting A DIY Repair Or Replacement Of Your Auto Glass


There are many commercial do-it-yourself products out there for fixing auto glass or replacing it. However, using these products can lead to more damage if you're not careful. Even if you are careful, but choose the wrong product, you can still make a mess of things. Here's why you should go straight to a professional windshield repair and replacement service instead. If You're Trying to Fix the Auto Glass, It's Already Compromised

22 May 2016

Preserving The Glass On The Windshield Of Your Car


The glass on the windshield of your car is important, but you might not think about it very much as long as you can see through it. However, chips and cracks can be dangerous, as they can interfere with your vision while you're driving on the road. Use these suggestions to preserve your car's windshield so you can be on the street safely. Prevent Rapid Changes in Temperature Your car's windshield has to deal with a wide variety of temperatures, especially if you live in an area that goes from freezing temperatures in the winter to blistering hot temperatures in the summer.

11 April 2016

Stay Safe By Repairing That Chipped Or Cracked Windshield Quickly


A rock hits your windshield while driving home from work. If not repaired soon, that rock chip can easily turn into a crack across the entire windshield. A cracked windshield that obscures your vision is unsafe and you can get a ticket in many cities for having a crack in front of the driver. A rock chip is easy to have repaired and with mobile auto glass installation services available, you can have a cracked windshield replaced in your own driveway or workplace parking lot.

17 December 2015